
Sunday 11 October 2009

The Big 18

Today was a big day. I ran my longest training run ever. I ran 18 whole miles. Hope you're impressed. It was hard. M & I opted out of the XC in Halifax today. I entered these thinking most were on a Saturday but later found most were confirmed as Sunday fixtures, forcing a choice between that or the long run plan - these long 'uns have already been sacrificed for races too many times these last few weeks and its beginning to show. So we opted for the time trial again Saturday and then a return to building up the long run today.
The route from Bingley took in plenty of canal and road with the mile climb up to Guiseley and on to Yeadon before the punishing and seemingly endless descent back to Apperley Bridge. We'd been clocking 6.59/7.00 minute miles and feeling pretty easy. At mile 10 we realised why when we turned into the evil head winds on our return home. The final miles were gruelling, my hip & ITB screaming at me in the last 3 miles after all the road running of the last few weeks. We'd considered an off road route today but didn't get it together in time to agree a route long enough that would avoid the perpetual stopping at stiles. Its nice to have a country amble but not good for simulating the demands of long pacey road races. M completed 17m whilst I pushed on to squeeze out another final mile which hurt. It also involved lots of angler dodging and what really got on my nerves, shouting at annoying pedestrians in the vain hope that someone might be willing to share a bit of towpath. I think I'm turning into a very grumpy old woman. Why is it that these people stare straight at you, can see you coming for quarter of a mile and yet fail to anticipate that you'll want to pass without having to jump in the canal or dive in a hedgerow to get by!? I guess tired and achy legs wear your patience thin. That's my excuse anyway. Am otherwise chuffed to have run that far after a heavy week and now hoping I'll recover in time for a return of track work & intervals (oh joy) on Tues. We've resisted naps this afternoon though both were close after a late lunch and a warm bath. That's getting old for you.


kate said...

nice one! but i bet you would have 'enjoyed' it more with a few stiles and proper mud ;)
.....just out of interest what was your average pace?

Runningbear said...

The mud might have added to the fun early on but not sure I could have endured the pain after 18 miles. Ave pace was 7.14 in the end, slowed coming back into the wind in the final 18 miles. Am still nursing the old pins :)

kate said...

i knew you were fast but that's really fast over that distance! recently i've started keeping training notes and measuring these things-which strangely is making me enjoy your blog more :)

Hayfella said...

I dream of doing a 7.14 mile. Just one. Once! Excellent running. Does it hurt your hip less off road?

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