
Wednesday, 13 May 2009

What A Grey Day

A truly gorgeous morning of bright sun and clear blue skies led to me dwelling all day on running fantasies of getting home and out onto a trail run in the warm rays tonight. Disappointingly the sun had all but disappeared this afternoon and led to a bit of a grey, cloudy flat kind of evening - a bit of a mood mirror. That'll teach me to be such a misery guts. Nevertheless, ran a strong 8 miler at about 7.40 pace along undulating trail tonight with M. Felt tired from the track session but a good kind of tired - still feeling fairly strong and also pretty light on my toes. I seem to be slowly losing those cuddly bits now the mileage is building up again. It'll soon be time for a return to baking days I think, (watch this space cake fans).
I'm starting to reframe my targets for the summer and feeling a bit more cheerful in just having an alternative plan and way forward. I intend to spend the next few weeks devising a ten day training cycle to incorporate a good range of quality sessions with some suitably generous recovery built in. I'm feeling a new spreadsheet coming on...sigh. A short speed session is planned for tomorrow to sharpen for this Saturday's BMAF road relays. Though I won't be at my best it's an important team event and I'm looking forward to some team action with my new lady club mates. Bingley ladies rule OK ; )


kate said...

i got completely caught on in the weather yesterday, almost stranded at work without a coat-eek!
...bring on the baking ;)

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