
Tuesday, 28 April 2009

"When you have learned something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something." H.G. Wells

After the last couple of weeks of making some attempt to ease down and overcome this 'under recovery' thing I am trying my best to take all the learning I can from this experience and take a proper break, (though really dunno what possessed me to do that idiot 5k on Saturday). Now I'm facing recovery week #3 and not feeling much better I've decided I'm gonna have to really take this resting thing seriously. So, today I have not run.
Yes, you've read that right. I have not run.
I've actually had a day off. Gulp.
This is my first day off since god knows when (sometime 2008 I think). This is a major deal given my unfaltering commitment to pulling on the trainers everyday. So, hope readers are proper impressed by how sensible I am being. To occupy myself I have instead opted for making a fuss of M tonight. He had a bad dental appointment today (his worst nightmare) and then had to venture out into the rain tonight to splash out 4x1mile efforts at the track all on his lonesome. So, am preparing his favourite tea, sausages with mash and gravy. Hope it'll be a comfort after the hell of the dentist and slogging his guts out without the runningbear to keep him company. So, will try not to turn all mental with no run in these legs for my first rest day in a long, long time. I feel all funny and guilty. RHR 39 this morning. Might treat myself to a short run tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Dinner looks great - yum! Is that the dinner you actually prepared - it looks like a picture of a dinner out a glitzy magazine, full marks for presentation! Very impressed you've taken a day off - I'm sure it will pay off in the long run. We must all catch up for a training run soon. ATB - Tricky

Anonymous said...

Hi Runningbear. Would have been a nice bonus to see you at Sheffield. It's been tough these last few day's recovering. I hope I can make up for it at Rothwell next Monday. It was the Yorkshire medal that kept me focused. I just can't get enough of them.
I'm finding it amusing that your blog is becoming an on-line food guide. I'm finding it very tempting. Looking forward to seeing you and a good blast at Rothwell 10k.

kate said...

make sure it's a guilt free day, you deserve it! ...i'm coming round yours for tea ;)

Antony Bradford said...

I think you're finally realising that it is a total rest you need, not just easy running days. Running easy miles can still run you down if you are already tired. We all feel guilty about taking time off and it doesn't always seem right. Not even Google can find anything on overtraining it is such an individual thing.

Hope you recover soon.

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