
Friday, 22 May 2009

Gate Fever

A mad week at work this week with a new project launching whilst trying to be a good nursie at home has taken its toll and by 3pm this afternoon I could barely function at work any longer. Managed to get through the last couple of hours thinking of the next 4 days off work with lots of lovely running, good food and M at home for some restful, recuperative walks with the trusty camera at my side. I hope to have some nice pics to post in the next few days; it feels like it's been a while since I've had the time to enjoy the scenery.

Readers will be disappointed to hear that I wimped out last night and opted for fartlek rather than hill hell (wise words from hayfella). Legs were still feeling like sticks of rock so went for something a bit gentler and ran 9 miles with a few speedy spurts along the way to inject a bit of pace whilst avoiding anything too heavy. Managed an easy 5 around the village tonight whilst M took a walk along the same route to escape the house and catch some fresh air. I'm planning a tempo run in the morning with the smiley Josie H from Otley, she's kindly driving over to our side of town. Treats then planned for the rest of the day; RB will be exactly 36 years old in the morning.


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