Okay so here's my news. The new job started. Tomorrow will be the start of week 4. I'm just about starting to remember some names. I can now find my way to work without relying on the Tom Tom and I'm suffering less from face ache caused by my inane smiling at all the new work people.
After weeks and weeks of slog trying to bounce back from the post marathon break I've only gone and got myself an injury. The kind that's more than a niggle. I've been so fed up I couldn't face blogging, blipping or any constructive activity at all. I seem to have spent most nights (that's the 30 minutes between getting home from work and going to bed) gobbling biscuits and watching trash TV. I'm now chubby and unfit.
I understand from Mike the magician (physio) that it's an Achilles 'sheath' problem. No major rupture just a niggling-won't-go-away thing that has left me bereft. At the time when I really needed mind-emptying, lung-bursting, physical exercise I've instead been forced to sit on the sidelines feeling sorry for myself. Recent world events have forced some perspective taking but I still can't seem to shift the flat, lifeless feeling having spent another sunny weekend with my trainers parked up. So, after three weeks of moping (and limping) I'm writing to report on my whereabouts and to say sorry for being such a fair weather blogger.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the new job - though not necessarily the commuting.
I know what you mean about gobbling biscuits. We too easily resort to 'comfort eating' when we can't do the things we really want to do.
I do hope your niggling problem goes away soon and you can get back to sailing along with the wind wafting your pigtails again, back into Runningbear mode.
Regards to you both.
best wishes for a speedy recovery rb..its not nice
do you get m to catch the droolicles in a cup per chance?
In a few weeks your injury will be a memory. Start back running slowly. Take a walk. Eat a peach. Recovery will be more rapid than you now think.
Aaaaagh! Bummer RB. So sorry to hear of the injury. I suppose biking's out too? I'm trying to do it while my calf recovers. It seems to be Ok when I'm on the bike.
Glad you're enjoying your new job. What is it you do?
Healing vibes from this side of the Pennines...
glad to hear the new job's working out. as a fellow face-ache sufferer i feel your pain, don't underestimate the mental exhaustion of being 'nice'! ....also, i'm such a child that i'm still giggling at the word sheath... ever tried swimming or a bit of biking (not that gym stuff!) anyway, it's too hot for running at the moment :)
I think I might be suffering from the same sort of achilles problem. I'm dealing with this by loads of self massage and a massive amount of tape every time I attempt what you'd laughingly refer to as a run. Still, at least I'm getting out there, off road as much as poss because the achilles really doesn't appreciate the bashing it gets on the road.
Still you've been here before and you'll be back before long I'm sure. And it gives you a chance to settle into the new job (well done on that by the way!).
And finally - don't take any diagnosis of mine as gospel - I'm usually out by about 180 degrees. Minimum!
Hope you're back out there soon!
Ian Park
Horsforth Harriers
any news?....hope you're trainers are back on :)
I had a similar problem and resolved it using cold/hot therapy and self-massage. Hurt like hell, but it has since become easy to manage by this method. Best advice I ever had from a physio.
If you want to know how to reduce the pain and inflammation I'd happily share the technique. Just drop me a line.
Get well soon.
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