
Sunday, 26 September 2010

Welcome Distractions

Running is still off the menu. What on earth did I used to do with my weekends?! There's only so much bike riding on the spot I can take. To avoid spiralling further into a running-less depression and to distract from the absence of the long run today, I've immersed myself all afternoon in re-organising my music collection. This began with the creation of a gym playlist to keep me sane whilst exercising indoors. It then got a bit out of control and I'm now another 9 albums richer (or poorer depending on your perspective). Anyway, I came across this gorgeous video during my virtual travels...


Paul Rhodes said...

god, im in the same boat....spin, cross trainer, swimming feeling sorry for myself as i watch runners on the street....

kate said...

hang in there rb.
what you need is some quality dolly parton for gym tunes-i am being serious!

Antony Bradford said...

It seems like a good way to avoid you getting down about the injury. Putting your energies into something else is much better than dwelling on what you are missing. There's a lot you can do to improve your running without doing any running. Core strength, balance and flexibility exercises are good for injury prevention and good running form - when you return to running again. To make them less boring I tend to listen to my favourite music whilst doing these. Sorry Kate, not Dolly Parton. Good luck.

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