
Thursday 9 April 2009

Roadster Returns

Well, it's late and I've done all my pre-race faffin' about before bed. Rockin' racers are packed, vest and lucky pants are laid out and the Thermos is at the ready for the early morning start. We'll be waking at the crack of dawn tomorrow for the journey to the famous home town of the 'street' for an Easter 10k race at Salford; starting 10am sharp. After all my woes this week (am sure you're very bored of them by now) I'm gonna just have a run out, free from any expectations or pressure of posting a good time. I'm sort of resigned to having a bit of a lull and all the supportive comments and advice have been great to help me realise this is all part of the experience of training and improving. We can't push ourselves at the same rate all year round. I'm now starting to think how I might build in a bit of down time each year; with so many races on offer across all running disciplines it's pretty difficult to do this but it's probably key to staying fresh and to fully enjoy the sport. Anyway, once the race is done am looking forward to dinner with lovely friends tomorrow evening. Then have plans to eat lots of chocolate eggies and go on beautiful, relaxed runs, with no times or intervals or heart rate monitors in sight! I'm gonna liberate myself from the trappings of competition and just get back to my running Ahem. Looking forward to a long weekend and getting some much needed rays on these pasty pins.

Ran an easy 3.5 tonight; the usual loop around the village under a grey and stormy looking sky. Hope it's about to clear the air for a fresh and bright start to the race tomorrow. Sounds like the Bingley boys will be out in full force so will be great to pull on my club vest and join my new team mates on the start line. Thanks again for all those thoughtful and supportive messages out there. It's great to hear back from those of you visiting these pages from time to time. Happy running to you all this weekend.


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